Raven's Northern-Tradition Shamanism Book Series

The Jotunbok: the Giants of the Northern Tradition
The Gods of the Northern Tradition - the religion of the ancient Norse/Germanic/Anglo-Saxon peoples - have been rediscovered in growing numbers in the past years, as have the elves and dwarves that inhabit the Nine Worlds of the Cosmic Tree along with them. However, few have written about the Giants of those worlds and the Gods who number among them-–Loki, Hela, Fenris, the World Serpent, and others-–until now. The Jotunbok–-the first book in the Northern-Tradition Shamanism series-–is a collection of the wisdom, ways and tales of the Giants and their Gods, told by those who revere and work with them.
(Buy The Jotunbok at Asphodel Press.)
Selections from The Jotunbok are available on the NorthernPaganism.org website at Tales of the Giants.

The Pathwalker's Guide to the Nine Worlds
The Eightfold Path is a wheel of eight roads to opening the mind and soul, eight paths of altered states. From rhythm to utiseta to fasting to ordeal, this book covers the ways that the ancient shamans of the Northlands used these paths to open themselves to the Wights. The fourth book in the Northern-Tradition Shamanism series, this book includes spirit-taught lessons from many different spirit-workers and the Gods that they serve and revere.
(Buy The Pathwalker's Guide at Asphodel Press.)
Selections from The Pathwalker's Guide to the Nine Worlds are available on this website at Pathwalking Articles, Nine Worlds Travel Guide, and Raven's Pathwalking Journal.

Wyrdwalkers: Techniques of Northern-Tradition Shamanism
From dealing with Gods and spirits, to mastering the elements to reading the Threads of Wyrd, this book is a primer for the basic skills of a northern-tradition shaman or shamanic practitioner. The third book in the Northern-Tradition Shamanism series, this book includes spirit-taught lessons from many different spirit-workers and the Gods that they serve and revere.
(Buy Wyrdwalkers at Asphodel Press.)

Wightridden: Paths of Northern-Tradition Shamanism
The Eightfold Path is a wheel of eight roads to opening the mind and soul, eight paths of altered states. From rhythm to utiseta to fasting to ordeal, this book covers the ways that the ancient shamans of the Northlands used these paths to open themselves to the Wights. The fourth book in the Northern-Tradition Shamanism series, this book includes spirit-taught lessons from many different spirit-workers and the Gods that they serve and revere.
(Buy Wightridden at Asphodel Press.)
Many selections from Wyrdwalkers and Wightridden can be found in the "Shamanic Techniques" section of this website.

Northern-Tradition Herbal
The Northern-Tradition Herbal contains information about shamanic herbalism, magical and shamanic uses for just over one hundred Northern-Tradition herbs, as well as information on the Song of the Nine Sacred Herbs from the Lacnunga. It is a large-format book, over 300 pages.
Some of this information is available in the "Herbalism" section of this website.
The Jotunfolk, or Giants, of northern myth are a widely varied race. Some are fiery, some watery, some earthy, some like the blizzards of winter. Some are Gods, some are simple trolls, and many are in between. Their stories weave through northern myth like the tracks of wild animals. This Tarot deck celebrates them, showing their faces all together for the first time.
(Buy The Giants' Tarot from Asphodel Press.)
All of the images featured in this tarot deck can be seen on the Giants' Tarot page at NorthernPaganism.org.

Nine Sea Songs and Other Tides
A CD featuring the songs of the Northern-Tradition Shamanism Series is now available through Asphodel Press. This is a homemade recording for folks who want to learn the songs, not a performance quality recording.
The CD includes the Song of the Nine Sacred Herbs, which can be heard at the Nine Sacred Herbs page. Samples of the songs of Aegir and Ran's daughters are available on the Nine Sisters' Shrine on NorthernPaganism.org, at the bottom of each "Meeting..." page.