Hanna's Divination Protocol

If necessary, particularly in a public location, wipe down the table/surface. At least spray it with the mugwort tincture and saltwater mix. Unroll mat.

Say or sing the Mugwort verse and recaning verse from the Song of the Nine Sacred Herbs to cleanse the space and make it ready for the rest of the prayers.
Prayer to Gerda:
"Gerda of the Garden, Gerda Jotan Bride, Gerda Guarded, in your name Honor and Praise I speak."

Prayer to Freyr and Freya:
"Ingvi Freyr, Wandering Golden, Lord of Field and Firth, Love and Light in Darkness, Grainfield, Twin of Freya, Vanadis, Lady of Magic and Mysteries, Warrior Queen, Mother of Jewels, Mistress of Seiðr, in your names, Honor and Praise I speak."

Prayers to the Ancient Wise and Ancestors: 
"Ancestors of Word, Wyrd, and Wisdom
Of Kith, Kin, and Kindred
Of Head, Heart, and Hand
Of Love, Loss, and Longing
Kin of Kin, Blood to Blood, Breath to Breath
Blessings be upon you this day and all my days."
"Blessings on the Runes all 33 strong."
"Blessings be to the one(s) before me this day."

"May my sight be clear, my message true. May my words be helpful, communicated with grace."